Roster Updated! Current Roster: 38 Total, 25 (US) vs. 13 (Insurgent).
At this time, the US Faction (Full Uniforms of all Types) is closed to player registration, this is for balancing reasons only.
Insurgent Faction Uniforms:Contractor (PMC), Incomplete (Partial) Uniforms, Mixed Uniforms, and Civilian Clothing.
* Contractor (PMC) uniforms are an easy and inexpensive option for this. Khaki colored pants (cargo recommended) with a black colored shirt.
Looking for two medics and an engineer on the Insurgent faction.
A reminder that event pre-registrations are due by July 1st, 2016 at 11:59 PM. Prepays receive a $5.00 to $10.00 discount based on one or two day registrations.
- Players may prepay for the event via PayPal ( Please include your call-sign, numbers of players attending, 1 or 2 day registration, walk-on or prepay, and faction.
- Please print and bring you're PayPal payment conformation to event registration.
Questions? Send a message. Want to sign up? Send a message or post in this event thread (recommended).