SCAMMER: Justin Murray
My location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Twat waffle's location: Pinkerington, Ohio.
On Aug. 23rd I paid Justin Murray via Paypal in order to buy a A&K Mk43.
On Aug. 25th Justin claimed that he had shipped. Asking for a tracking number was responded with, "yeah i just got back from school so ill send u a tracking"
On Aug. 26th I reminded him I was waiting for tracking. He was online, but did not reply.
On Aug. 28th I again asked for tracking. He was again online, but did not reply.
On Aug. 31st I commented saying that I knew he had been online and had chosen not to open my messages. He was again online, but did not reply.
On Sep. 2nd I commented on his original for sale page asking if others had gotten items they ordered. One individual claimed he did. Justin then responded saying my tracking number was on Paypal and that my estimated delivery date was Monday. Not only was there no tracking because I payed via the gift option (because I was foolish enough to believe that this kid wasn't a piece of trash) there isn't even a spot for tracking to be uploaded. Hence the whole idea of a "Gift".
It is now Sep. 9th and no Mk.43 has arrived at my doorstep nor has my money been returned to me.
Hide behind your computer Justin as I garun-fuckin-tee you you would never try and steal $160 out of my actual wallet you coward. If you are reading this, you are pathetic.
If anyone knows this infantile human being, please message me or post below.