I dug myself into a hole on this one. I thought myself savvy enough to install a TBB on my gun. I decided it could wait, it wasn't a big deal. Once I had the gun back together, I found a tiny piece on my floor, and when I went to shoot my M4 to make sure I hadn't messed it up, the bbs just fell out of the barrel. I later learned that little piece is the hop up nub. I don't trust myself to take apart the hop up myself and risk screwing it up even more, so if anyone would be willing to save my behind on this I'd be super grateful. If you're going to OP Trident at TC Paintball on Saturday, even better. I don't care about distance or cost with this. I'll drive it out to you and pay you for your troubles. I may not need it if my friend answers his phone, but if you're willing to help me out with this, please PM me!