I know KWA is the go to brand for GBB pistols and they've earned it. I however would recommend KJW 1911's. More specifically the KP-05 or regular 1911. Both are really good pistols that come stock with a red nozzle to use CO2 magazines, if you wish, and run at about $120 each. Know if you want a Glock styled pistol the ECHO 1 Timberwolf is the way to go. On ECHO 1's site it runs at about $145. Sure you can fine WE-TECH Glocks, but they aren't really legal in the U.S. do to licensing, as far as I know I could be wrong. The M22 supposedly supposed to be like a Glock, according to Evike as well. Those run as high as $110. In order of top recommendation I would put the KP05 at one, Timberwolf at two, and the regular 1911 third. Hopefully this helps you out in your decision for a new sidearm.