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Author Topic: Spring Shotguns  (Read 17994 times)


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Spring Shotguns
« on: November 06, 2017, 02:59:01 PM »
As it's approaching indoor season I'm thinking about making the trek out to MCA for some cqb. I have my aegs, and they are fine beginner guns. However, I'm looking into investing in a dedicated close quarters weapon. What's the verdict on reasonably priced shotguns for indoors? Would i be better off with a pistol of equal price?


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Re: Spring Shotguns
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2017, 07:49:07 PM »
Are you looking for a springer or gas? I use a Matrix tri shot for indoor and it's more than enough for CQB.

Cheap, works great, and you can buy four for the price of a good gas shotty.


Video of gun in action:


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Re: Spring Shotguns
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2017, 10:06:12 PM »
Shotguns are great for indoors. They can be tricky however, as it is a bit different of a play dynamic. Sorta like sniping compared to a rifleman role. Others will have the semi auto advantage, but I always have fun with and appreciate the challenge of using a shotgun.

I've become a little bit of a shotgun collector as well. I can attest to the UTG/Double Eagle/Matrix/etc trishot spring shotguns. Decent for the price, and always great back up guns to have and bring along. I strongly recommend the CYMA metal 870 line though, well worth the money. It is essentially upgraded compared to most other spring trishots on the market, being a little stronger, and having brass barrels. Also, their internals are more durable than the plastic versions.

I was able to run my HPA tapped TM Breacher a couple weekends ago, and while it started out pretty slow for me, still getting used to the controls, remembering to start the game with a loaded shell(too many games/times was I shooting nothing haha), and managing the heft for such a small gun, I had a ton of fun running it. As I had used trishots numerous times before, I went for the 6 shot option to best utilize the platform. Didnt have the best for range, but it sent a decent spread at the ranges I was engaging, which was perfect.

Everyone should have a trishot; cheap, reliable, great backups, and highly recommend the CYMA metals.
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