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Author Topic: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.  (Read 59304 times)


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Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:14:01 PM »
ORIGINAL THREAD:  http://miairsoft.proboards.com/thread/18691/typical-n00b-tendencies?page=1

If you are new to the sport of airsoft I suggest you read this.  I know it’s long but it might help your transition into the sport go smoother. 

I am writing this to help clear things up for those who are new to the sport of Airsoft.  Just about every day we see new guys follow the same tendencies and patterns when they first get into the sport.  Keep in mind that I am not doing this to rip on anyone and that this is based on what I have seen and what I myself went through when I first got in.  I label myself as a former n00b but in a lot of ways I’m still a n00b.  Also keep in mind that the steps people take varies from person to person but I will try to cover this topic in the common order that I’ve seen and that I went trough.  Of course there are the rare exceptions to the rules every now and then like military trained personel or the even more elusive new guy that is actually a decent sniper (although I haven't seen one yet).  Feel free to add your experiences as well about what you went trough when you first got started.

Introduction to Airsoft.

More than likely the first introduction to airsoft a n00b gets is from a small skirmish whether in someone’s back yard or a in friends house.  From that introduction you are then inspired to get into it yourself and you try to find the best gun (to your knowledge) for the best price.  Often times n00bs turn to what they know first and so the search for a gun starts at Wal-mart or Meijer’s.  This is the first big mistake anyone new to the sport can make and you will learn why shortly.

From Backyard Battles to the Forums.

Now armed with your new Meijer Brand gun you engage in battle with your friends.  If you have somehow found your way to the forums it is because you have discovered that you really like the sport and have a somewhat “decent” skill set (at least you are the best one when compared to your buddies i.e. you never get shot and you always kill everyone else).  You probably Googled “Michigan Airsoft” or “Michigan Airsoft Fields” with the hopes of finding a better place to play after seeing all the airsoft videos on YouTube.

Introduction to “The real” Airsoft.

After making your introductions to the forums you find your way to some events and there you are introduced to the real sport of Airsoft.  You quickly realize that although your plastic gearbox Meijer brand gun is the best when compared to what your buddies have, you are vastly outgunned.  Here’s what you see after your first event.  Your once amazing gun is a piece of crap when compared to every one else’s because its true that you get what you paid for.  You are completely lacking in the gear department i.e. uniforms, vests, boots, extra magazines.  You realize that you are not as good as you think you are, in fact you probably suck and you sometimes resort to cheating by not calling your hits.  This is the second big mistake anyone new to the sport can make because it often times resorts in you getting banned and your reputation as an airsoft player is shot.  This is a good way to weed out those who really don’t belong in the sport.

Making up for your shortcomings.

After experiencing your first real airsoft game and you find that are still around and actually played an honorable game and did not get banned you try to regroup and make adjustments to make up for your shortcomings.  Often times n00bs come back to the forums asking to be recruited on a team.  I think that this is a natural step because by being on a team, that hides a lot of the mistakes you might make on the field and it somehow validates you as an airsoft player because you feel that you are wanted.  This is also a point where a n00b can make their third big mistake of forming your own team.  Being a n00b in airsoft and forming your own team will only attract other n00bs who weren’t good enough to make it on other teams and it creates “the blind leading the blind” situation. 

There is a huge misconception that you have to be on a team in order to get a little more respect on the fields.  That is far from the truth.  There are plenty of great airsoft players around here that run solo and lend their services to different groups at different events.  If you really insist on being a part of a team, join one.  Don’t make your own because joining an established team (although it will take time) opens you up to a wealth of information that will better develop you as an airsoft player.  If you choose to run on your own that is fine too but I will advise you to do as much research as you can.  Ask questions between down times.  You will find that a lot of the guys love talking about their guns and gear.  It’s always good to ask in person too.  Don’t ask really basic questions on the forums because we get it all the time.  For that I suggest using the search button otherwise you might get flamed (not by me though).

I want to be a sniper.

Now that you have started (and I stress the word started) your research, the typical scenario that usually happens is that you finally take the plunge and invest in a decent gun whether it is a clone (Echo-1, JG, D-boys) or even a higher-end airsoft gun (TM, Classic Army).  To make up for your shortcomings and based on your experience of being out gunned. It is at this point where a n00b makes their fourth big mistake.  You take on the role as a sniper.  You quickly look for a gun that shoots 400+ FPS and a quick Google or eBay search will lead you to a bunch of affordable sniper rifles.  They cost more than the Meijer brand and you remember that you get what you pay for so you are convinced that this will be a good buy and that you will be able to shed that “n00b” label.  I can go on talking about why this is a big mistake for five more pages but in order to keep your attention I will try to narrow it down to just a few things. 

It is true that you get what you pay for but when it concerns getting into the role of a sniper the bar is significantly raised.  You have to invest a lot more time and money (two or three times the amount or more) to play the role of an Airsoft sniper efficiently.  Often times a $100 sniper rifle (with very little exception) when compared to a “true” sniper rifle is like comparing a Meijer brand gun to a TM.  Also you really have to have more experience playing airsoft in order to begin to understand what it takes to be a decent airsoft sniper.  Sure you can still roll with your sniper rifle during ops because we see that all the time but I hope you realize that without the understanding you need to be a decent airsoft sniper you will again find yourself outgunned and outmatched every time.  My advice is start off as a rifleman and through experience work your way to be a sniper if you think you are up for it.  Ask advise from experienced snipers on the field during down times.

Lessons learned...So far.

These are some of the things that I have learned so far after seeing and sometimes going through the experiences I mentioned above.  First of all airsoft is not about how much FPS you have.  It is not the case that the higher the FPS the better player you become.  It’s all about the development of your skill.  If you really develop your skill as an airsoft player you can get kills with a straw and a bb.  Instead of investing lots of money into upgrading your gun to shoot 400+ FPS, invest it in some extra mid or low cap magazines (having a lot of high caps can be a sign that you are a n00b) as well as some decent gear.  When it comes time that you have problems with your gun then maybe its time to think about investing into upgrading it or investing in a higher end brand. 

When you are at events ask questions.  Use the search button here on MIA and if you can’t find the answer, Google is your friend.  Search and search again and as a last resort if you can’t find it anywhere then go ahead and create a thread and ask the question to all of MIA because chances are that question needs to be asked. 

Get to know people.  A good way of making it on a team is to just get to know people and make friends and let your actions on the field do the talking for you.  Remember that the guys playing airsoft are there to have fun so don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t make yourself out to be better than you really are.  Just follow the rules that have been set (like calling your hits) and you’ll be fine. 

Also remember that there is a certain tone of realism that we are trying to set here so don’t play airsoft the same way you would when you are playing paintball.  They are two completely different things and is like comparing apples and steak (I said steak for more contrast). 

Another good thing to know is airsoft has a lot to do about looks.  Pay attention to how you maintain and “design” your guns and your gear also keeping in mind the realism factor and you should do well.

Learn from mistakes made by others.  I could have used a guide like this because it would have saved me so much time and money.  I must have spent hundreds of dollars on really crappy guns and gear that I could have otherwise used to buy a TM or Classic Army.  I took the impractical and expensive route.

MIA etiquette for n00bs.

This is another thing that distinguishes the n00bs from the MIA veterans.  If you are new to this forum or to the SEMIA forum you have to understand that there are rules that you must follow if you want to continue being a member of either forum.  Just like in airsoft, if you want to play the game you have to play by the rules otherwise you will be removed.  If you are new, before you post anything be sure to read most if not all of topics with a sticky on it just like this:   These are stickied for a reason and you will find that these things will answer most of your questions as you are starting out.  Start with these:  http://miairsoft.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=rules&action=display&thread=8089

Also be aware that there are certain rules to how you are supposed to post.  You have to use proper grammar, capitalization and spelling.  There is no chat or text speak allowed on MIA.  You might say that they allow that stuff in other forums but the response to that is “so what?”.  Other forums can do what they want but if you want to continue to post here you have to go by the standards that are set here.  Just keep in mind that your online personality often translates to how people view you at events.  If you post like you just learned English yesterday then when people see you on the field they will assume that you’re probably a little slow.  If you post like a n00b no matter how good you think you are on the field people will likely still consider you a n00b.  Also before you post, read the last page or two of the previous comments so that you get an idea of where the topic is going.  That way you don’t say anything that has already been said and your posts would actually contribute to the topic.

Welcome to Airsoft and to MIA.

With all that said, welcome to the sport and to MIA.  I hope that this will help you as you get started and that this will help you learn from the mistakes that I and others have made.  People here on MIA care about the advancement of the sport and if you are serious about getting involved in airsoft then MIA will be a great tool to help you get to where you need to be. Your transition into the sport of airsoft can be as easy or as difficult as you make it to be.  Good luck and see you on the field.


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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 08:16:39 AM »
Hello, this probably is not very important but, I see that you did not mention if newer players should go with an AEG or  GBB, because when I first got into airsoft I got a gun that was way to advanced for me.
Silas Plom AKA Ancalos AKA Jak-O


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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2015, 12:34:20 PM »
When this was written, gas guns were still fairly rare and expensive so it was very uncommon unlike now. I'll have to work on a little write up regarding gas  guns and update the thread.


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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2015, 01:24:02 PM »
Appreciate the big write-up, it's good to see a guideline for those that are fledgling in the world of bb warz. I have to admit though, I feel like the sniper portion might deter some new players, or even veteran ones, from playing how they want too. Airsoft is a bit like competitive shooters in that way, where people will adopt the most dominant play-style and shortly after a winning combination of tactics/equipment is discovered, alot of people will try and use those methods, and people will stay away from play-styles that have been deemed "noobish", for fear of social rejection, despite the fact that they might genuinely enjoy said noobish style. Obviously this isn't a universal truth or anything, just my two cents.

Anyways, I just feel like people should be encouraged to play the way they'd like to, and senior players should foster an environment where they can teach those players the best way to use whatever style they've decided to pursue, whether it be for Milsim purposes or casual games. Airsoft is niche enough as it is, we shouldn't further subdivide ourselves with class superiority. Again, this is all just my take on a very well intended post by Arc.

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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2015, 05:04:45 PM »
Well on the sniper rifle front I think the general thought is always own an aeg and let the bolt action be a secondary gun. The main reason is it takes time and money to upgrade the bolt gun much more than  a standard aeg in most cases. But also it's a very limited role in most games and limiting. So if you own both you can always go out and have fun and not be stuck playing a game that doesn't suit bolt actions. That's the way I personally play, I almost always bring my sniper rifle but I seldom run it the entire day depending on the game.


Edit: I should also add that in the past everyone wanted a sniper rifle as their first gun. Less so now it seems not sure why, but we used to get questions about sniper rifles like 3 times a week from new players. So maybe it's less of an issue now then it used to be and on the plus side there are much better options available cheaply then there used to be.

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« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 05:06:36 PM by luke213 »
xaos - "298,000 yen for a complete gun. How much is that in real money?"

sam your

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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 09:51:35 PM »
what stuff should i get to start out with? ???


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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2018, 01:58:04 PM »
what stuff should i get to start out with? ???

Ask yourself what style of play you want to pursue and go from there.  In general I would start out with an electric m4 for modularity and proper eye protection and shoes


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Re: Typical n00b tendencies from a former n00b.
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2018, 04:05:45 PM »
Impulse buying guns