Well guys over all the years I've been playing radio has typically not been much of a priority for most of the places I've played. Some of the games I played down in lower Michigan years ago it was helpful but not necessary. So typically I ran an FRS radio and for a while one of those crappy throat mic's that never worked well from Radio Shack and mostly ran just the raw radio clipped to my gear.
So fast forward, I've always thought radio comm's were an important part of airsoft and I've been planning on bringing them more to the forefront of the games I'm organizing as well as just getting prepared to use them more in game.
But my question is less to do with the radio itself, I'm planning on picking up one of the UV5F I think it is, eventually but right now I don't really need any more than a simple FRS radio I already own will offer for features. So I'm more wondering what you guys are running style wise for comm equipment. IE Just a speaker with mic, throat mic or some other variation. What works best for you? Does it depend on play style?
Right now I picked up a fairly normal shoulder style mic, but I'm a little leery of it giving away my position if someone is rattling off on the radio. So I'm wondering if something with a headset type of component would maybe be more practical. But that said I'm just curious to use some of you guys experiences which are likely to be more in depth than my own at this point with radio's;)
So I'm open to input what are you guys using and what do you like about, what have you used you hate and why?
Take care!