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BUMP! Price dropped to 1000. Updated sold guns
Bump! Price change after sales of individual items. Pictures to be updated soon.
Airsoft Events / Re: SCN: OP Pushback 4
« Last post by TheItalynStalyn on April 27, 2023, 04:38:52 PM »
OP Pushback 4

If you have any additional questions, PM me or find this post on the Michigan Airsoft Facebook Group.

I was not able to make it to this event due to a pre-scheduled conflict, but I would be very interested in attending another game at Hell's Survivors if this is held again.

Was the event successful, and do you intend on hosting additional events at the same venue in the future?
Airsoft Events / Re: SCN: OP Pushback 4
« Last post by Dime on April 11, 2023, 08:23:04 AM »
The event is at Hells survivers in Pinkney
Located in the Holland area. I'm looking to sell of it all at once. Pickup only. All the small loose stuff is stored in 3 totes. Please bring your own as I'd like to keep mine. Everything is sold as is. With a little bit of tlc you could have a massive armory or make a pretty penny off this stuff. I just do not have the time anymore. Thanks for looking.

Somewhat complete summary:
-m110 kit. Body is ares? It's metal. Almost complete. Tightbore barrel.
- Spring bolt action Dragunov. Works
- unknown spring m24, bolt won't lock back
- SRC SM8, work
- Matrix? M14, works
- Krytac LMG gen 1, works
- Star l86 aeg, works, bipod is a bit won
Tons of mags, green bag is all sr25 mags, externals, and internals gearboxes gear etc.

Airsoft Events / Re: SCN: OP Pushback 4
« Last post by MLoebig15 on April 05, 2023, 04:13:30 PM »
Not sure what field this is taking place, and if the event has enough ppl interested to happen. Can someone update me on the status of this event?
Reserved For Additional Information
Night Raid XII and Evening Bazaar
Low-Light/Night Game and Evening Swap Meet
Saturday, June 24-25, 2023

Hole in the Wall Paintball - West Michigan

Hole in the Wall Paintball - 24262 66th Street, Bangor, Michigan 49013
(269) 353-2978

Registration/Chronograph Open: 5:00 PM
Game Start: 6:00 (Approximately)
Event End: 1:00 AM (Approximately)

- Ages: 14+
- Barrel bags are required for participation and are available for sale at event registration ($7.00 each)
- Full seal goggles required.
- Full face masks available for rent for $5.00 each.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, or safety glasses will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- No 8mm, Full-Thrust, or Metal BB's are allowed.
- Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/596410088794297

- Signature of parent or guardian required for minor participants.
- Walk on payment and registration only.
- Waivers will be available at game registration.

Walk-On Field Fee: $20.00 Per Person (All Transactions Cash Only)
- Bring your own equipment.
- Must have full seal (ANSI Z87.1) rated eye protection.
- No admission is required for attending the swap meet or seeking technical services. Admission will only be charged if guests intend on playing.

Rental Package: $40.00 Per Person (All Transactions Cash Only)
- Includes: Admission, replica, full face mask, and one full magazine of BB's.
- Additional BB's beyond the initial rental package must be purchased.
* All rentals are first come, first serve. Please reserve ahead of time, message for details.

Swap Meet Regulations:

- Swap meet activities are only permitted in designated areas of the field.
- Guests are not permitted to set up tables in the parking lot.
- Vendors are welcome with prior notification.

Eye Protection and Barrel Bag Regulations:

- ANSI Z87.1 rated full seal eye protection only, no exceptions.
- ANSI rated, full seal goggles or shooting glasses are permitted.
- 'Full Seal' is defined as a foam band separating the lens of the goggle from the frame portion and the face of the user.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, safety glasses, etc will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Lower face protection (Mesh Lowers, Mouth Guards, etc) do not apply to this.
- Barrel Bags are required to have barrel bags for their replicas while in the staging area or parking lot.
- Barrel bags are available for sale for $8.00 each if needed at game registration.

Uniform Requirements:

- No uniform or gear requirements will be enforced for this event.
- Players are advised to wear clothing that can get dirty.
- Good footwear is recommended.

Engagement Limits:

~ 0.01j - 1.07j - Arms Length Engagement.
~ 1.08j - 1.49j - 20 Foot Engagement.
~ 1.50j - 2.32j - 50 Foot Engagement (Permanent Semi-Auto or Bolt Action Only)
~ 2.33j - 2.69j - Bolt Action Replicas Only.
~ 2.7j+ - Prohibited Under All Circumstances.

- Velocities will be measured using the weight of BB being used.
- All replicas will be issued 'chronograph' tags after being registered and measured. These must remain on the replica for the entire event.

Pre and Post Event Camping:

- Free, on-site camping is available to all participants 18 years of age or older.
- Minors 16 and up with a parent or guardian are also welcome.
- Must bring own camping equipment.
- Must bring own food and supplies.

Lost or Stolen Property Policy:

- Hole in the Wall Paintball, Inc and/or affiliates will not be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property of any kind on field grounds.
- Participants are strongly advised to not take unnecessary items onto field grounds or playing areas.

* This game, along with all business hours and related information is subject to change in accordance with local, state, or federal regulations. Please watch for updates.
Player Appreciation Day
Saturday, April 29th, 2023

Hole in the Wall Paintball - 24262 66th Street, Bangor, Michigan 49013
(269) 353-2978

Walk-On Field Fee: $15.00 Per Person
- Bring your own equipment.
- Must have full seal (ANSI Z87.1) rated eye protection.

Rental Package: $35.00 Per Person
- Includes: Admission, replica, full face mask, and one full magazine of BB's.
- Additional BB's beyond the initial rental package must be purchased.
* All rentals are first come, first serve. Please reserve ahead of time, message for details.

- Ages: 14+
- All transactions are cash only.
- Barrel bags are required for participation and are available for sale at event registration ($8.00 each)
- Full seal goggles required.
- Full face masks available for rent for $5.00 each.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, or safety glasses will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- No Full-Thrust or 8mm allowed.
- Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/3333657636898425

- Signature of parent or guardian required for minor participants.
- Walk on payment and registration only.
- Waivers will be available at game registration.
- Beginner friendly.

Registration/Chronograph Open: 10:00 AM (Saturday, April 29th)
Game Start: 10:00 AM.
Event End: 1:00 AM (Sunday, April 30th) (Approximately)

* This game, along with all business hours and related information is subject to change in accordance with local, state, or federal regulations. Please watch for updates.

Eye Protection and Barrel Bag Regulations:

- ANSI Z87.1 rated full seal eye protection only, no exceptions.
- ANSI rated, full seal goggles or shooting glasses are permitted.
- 'Full Seal' is defined as a foam band separating the lens of the goggle from the frame portion and the face of the user.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, safety glasses, etc will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Lower face protection (Mesh Lowers, Mouth Guards, etc) do not apply to this.
- Barrel Bags are required to have barrel bags for their replicas while in the staging area or parking lot.
- Barrel bags are available for sale for $8.00 each if needed at game registration.

Uniform Requirements:

- No uniform or gear requirements will be enforced for this event.
- Players are advised to wear clothing that can get dirty.
- Good footwear is recommended.

Engagement Limits:

~ 0.01j - 1.07j - Arms Length Engagement.
~ 1.08j - 1.49j - 20 Foot Engagement.
~ 1.50j - 2.32j - 50 Foot Engagement (Permanent Semi-Auto or Bolt Action Only)
~ 2.33j - 2.69j - Bolt Action Replicas Only.
~ 2.7j+ - Prohibited Under All Circumstances.

- Velocities will be measured using the weight of BB being used.
- All replicas will be issued 'chronograph' tags after being registered and measured. These must remain on the replica for the entire event.

Lost or Stolen Property Policy:

- Hole in the Wall Paintball LLC and/or affiliates will not be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property of any kind on field grounds.
- Participants are strongly advised to not take unnecessary items onto field grounds or playing areas.

Pre and Post Event Camping:

- Free, on-site camping is available to all participants 18 years of age or older.
- Minors 16 and up with parent or guardian are welcome.
- Must bring own camping equipment.
- Must bring own food and supplies.
- Power outlets are available on location.
- Live firearms (real steel) are not permitted on field property.

* This game, along with all business hours and related information is subject to change in accordance with local, state, or federal regulations. Please watch for updates.
Airsoft Events / SCN: OP Pushback 4
« Last post by J.Cubed135 on March 20, 2023, 09:13:27 PM »
OP Pushback 4

Date: April 23rd, 2023

Time schedule:
BE ON TIME AND PLAN AHEAD. If you arrive after step off time you will be left behind and unable to join the game.
9:00 am – Gates open
10:00 am – Registration begins
11:15 am – Orientation / briefing
11:30 am – Step off
11:45 am – Game start

*Note: this will be a “private game” for only those who have seen this post or invited otherwise. Anyone is welcome to join as long as you understand the rules and concept of the game and agree to adhere to them.
In order to maintain quality of the game and keep everyone on the same page about the style of game being hosted, I’ll be scheduling this as a private game, so there is an additional fee I will be covering for everyone. Any contribution to help with this will be appreciated and any amount I collect over the fee will go back into future games via props and in-game items (tourniquets, bomb props, etc.). 

Rule set:
All replicas are restricted to semi auto only (no full auto, no burst, no binary, etc.) except for support style replicas used by a real military unit for such purpose (m249, pkm, m60, m240, pkp, etc.). Carbine or rifle based automatic replicas (M27, RPK, Shrike LMG) are allowed if they are configured to their real counterpart and are visually identifiable as such (bipod + optics). If you are unsure if your replica is under this category, PM me and we can discuss. 
Joule limits:
1.5J – *0ft MED
2.0J – 50ft MED, All automatic support replicas have 50ft MED regardless of being above 1.5J or not
2.5J – 100ft MED, DMR Only
3.0J – 150ft MED, Bolt Action Only

Medic, Revive, and Spawning system:
Any player can revive any player with a supplied arm band or the use of a fake tourniquet such as MSW branded tourniquets, up to a maximum of 2 times per life. Reset points will vary and change location based on the area the game is currently taking place in and the objective at the time. These changes will be relayed and explained throughout the game as it evolves and changes. Deaths by pyro or other simulation grenade are an immediate “out” for the players in the vicinity and must return to a reset point and are NOT eligible to be tourniquet revived.

Objectives will vary throughout the day to include the traditional Pushback mode, capturing key points, planting prop bombs, hostage rescue, and VIP escort. Updates on objectives will be explained as the game evolves. The game will have small down times where you will regroup with your team to plan for the next objective and reload, but the game does not stop and we will not return to the staging area. Bring extra batteries, back up replicas, ammo, water, and food to last yourself throughout the day.
Bringing a programmable radio will be a huge benefit to you and your team to be able to communicate. The main theme of this game is teamwork and collaboration.

If you have any additional questions, PM me or find this post on the Michigan Airsoft Facebook Group.
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