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Messages - DirtyBranden

Pages: [1]
I just moved and have a lot of money tied up with other while I'm trying to get my airsoft stuff together and get people to go to events and such. I can only do $250 max on this.

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / WTB spring sniper
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:36:45 AM »
I really like sniping and I LOVE the custom McMillan that airsoftgi has for sale but definetly cant spend $700 on airsoft. I and really looking for a good bolt action spring sniper in full working order preferably TM compatible.

Would u do the Masada, tan suppressor w/flash hider, t1, and AFG for $250?

Recruitment / Looking for team in Tecumseh/Adrian area
« on: May 15, 2016, 10:09:12 PM »
long time player and army vet looking for a new team. My last team disbanded due to members moving away. The only uniforms I have are ACU and MultiCam. I have several guns but only a couple are in working order. My p90 and my g&g m4 work but I have 2-3 others that are in pieces. I am looking for a team that is eventually interested in going to Mil-sim and large games

Possibly interested in the Masada. Why haven't u fielded it much? Seems like a good gun to have sitting around, anything wrong with it?

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