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Messages - drlou

Pages: [1]
AEG / Re: CYMA M14 EBR Motor
« on: August 11, 2015, 01:04:01 AM »
Simplest way would be to buy a long type, pull the pinion off of the old motor to get the spacers, then pull the pinion off the new motor so you can take the tower off and replace it with the spacers, the just use the spring from the stock motor.

If you are more inclined to do custom work on motors, I would highly recommend getting a strong magnet motor(I like the matrix 3000, or even SRC HT if you can find one) and dropping the stock arm in the Neomagnet can. This will yield more than enough torque, and should also run cooler than just the upgrade motor as is.

Thanks for the advice. I will try that first option and if it does work out I'll have to go with the second one that you laid out. Thanks for the suggestion and help


Will be here with another guy. Runing woodland camo on one guy and contracter style on the other.

AEG / CYMA M14 EBR Motor
« on: August 07, 2015, 10:28:58 AM »
Hello All,

I am currently turning my cyma m14 ebr into a DMR with around 530 fps that is permanently semi-auto. Currently I am running at 530 but the last thing holding me back is trigger response. The motor that originally came with the CYMA is struggling to pull the M140 spring and it is heating up a lot in the process. On my other DMR build this was easily fixed with a new motor, it also on a side note improved trigger response dramatically. The problem I am having is that the motor type on the CYMA M14 EBR is different than on their regular M14s and appears to be a mix between and long and short type motor. The motor axle itself protrudes the length of a long type motor, but also has these plastic spacers on it. The tension spring on the other hand is short and wide like the spring on the short motor.

Getting to the point, I would like to know if anyone has had any experience replacing the motor on an M14 EBR by CYMA, and what type of motor did you end of using, and what modifications did you make to it.

*I will add pictures shortly*


Airsoft Events / Re: MilSim: Operation Trident 7/25/2015 (July 25th)
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:20:07 PM »
I have myself and 2 other buddies that want to get in on this... We have 3 pairs of ACU's and would prefer to wear them... Do those go down under tan or green team?

Airsoft Events / Re: MilSim: Operation Trident 7/25/2015 (July 25th)
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:36:52 PM »
Hey I just registered for this. I have an extra gun so I was hoping of bringing my buddy with me. Midcaps only? Plus we only have ACU and woodland marpat.

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