« on: October 11, 2015, 01:24:02 PM »
Appreciate the big write-up, it's good to see a guideline for those that are fledgling in the world of bb warz. I have to admit though, I feel like the sniper portion might deter some new players, or even veteran ones, from playing how they want too. Airsoft is a bit like competitive shooters in that way, where people will adopt the most dominant play-style and shortly after a winning combination of tactics/equipment is discovered, alot of people will try and use those methods, and people will stay away from play-styles that have been deemed "noobish", for fear of social rejection, despite the fact that they might genuinely enjoy said noobish style. Obviously this isn't a universal truth or anything, just my two cents.
Anyways, I just feel like people should be encouraged to play the way they'd like to, and senior players should foster an environment where they can teach those players the best way to use whatever style they've decided to pursue, whether it be for Milsim purposes or casual games. Airsoft is niche enough as it is, we shouldn't further subdivide ourselves with class superiority. Again, this is all just my take on a very well intended post by Arc.