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Messages - Major_Monocle

Pages: [1]
Sorry if this isn't the right section guys, but I'm just looking for some guys who want to show up to small casual games around the Battle Creek area. Nothing fancy. If possible, I would also like to form a team if enough people join up. Basically we're looking for new players in our small scrimmages, as well as some people to tech with/for/learn from.

So, following (most of) the guide:

1. My gear: TLBV-88 in woodland (I know, I know.) Fleck BDUs, Milsurp webbing belt that I'm definitely using wrong, serpa holster

2. Armory: I have a bunch of guns I loan out to people or fondle, but I use a TM FN 5-7 and a G&G F2000.

3. Requested gear: nothing in particular for scrimmages, but to put a team together I would prefer fleck or

4. Location: Battle Creek area.

5. Experience level: Advanced to airsoft god.

6. Current weapon modifications: Airseal mods, JG red, Gearbox mod to accept midcaps, regrease, shimmed, polished GB, radiused, wired to deans, 6.02 TBB, lonex 50° bucking, etc. 

I'm not a super advanced tech but I'm definitely willing to learn and teach myself.
That's pretty much it! Email/PM/text me at 269-213-6482 to get the ball rolling! I'll probably talk for a bit and then we can schedule a place to meet to get to know each other.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: TM just announced an AEG AA-12 shotgun.
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:29:39 PM »
I'm curious I'd love to see a full diagram of the internals since the spring powered versions fit in normal sized shotguns I'm just not sure how much more mechanism there is in this. We'll find out I'm sure as soon as someone tears one apart, but I'd still love to see it;)

I'm thinking all it might have is a heavy spring and an enlarged cylinder and piston to accomodate the 3 cylinder heads? That would make the most sense to me, and it would allow a variant of a V6/V2 to fit inside. Regardless of internals, I'll be buying one.

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