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Messages - Weaponhit_Robson

Pages: [1]
Event Planning / The Red Coats are coming!
« on: July 23, 2017, 05:10:53 AM »
Hey guys I'm back.... well I will be soon!

Looking to head out to the US again from 23rd August - 5th September and was wondering if there might be a game on during that time I can jump on??


Real Steel / Re: Range Day @ The Pit
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:39:22 PM »
I'll probably be there around 9:30 and I'll need to be gone by 1ish as I'm off to the Elkhart 4H Fair in the evening.

@Tank  - want me to bring anything along with me?

Real Steel / Re: Range Day @ The Pit
« on: July 20, 2015, 05:36:03 PM »
Cheers Tank, any day is fine by me so whatever the majority decide.

Genuinely the best day I had last year was meeting with you guys, having a laugh and firing a few different things. Although I'll give the clay pigeons a miss this time as I was bloody terrible last time! 😂

Real Steel / Range Day @ The Pit
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:44:38 AM »
Soooooooo I hit the States on Tuesday and I know there was talk of another Range day down at The Pit so just wondering when people would be free? I'm good up until the 11th of August so post a date and I'll be there, be great to catch up with you guys again!

Airsoft Discussion / Re: One if by land, Two if by sea....
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:59:57 PM »
^^what he said!

Anyone heard of any national games whilst I'm over? Need to decide if it's worth the expense of getting my PTW shipped over or not....

Also anyone else for The Pit?

Airsoft Discussion / Re: One if by land, Two if by sea....
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:28:31 PM »
Cool beans dude, Tank and Ryan have said they'll head down to the Pit so with any luck there will be a few up for it.

Shame there aren't any national games on but I'll hit up something local instead!

The Gallery / Weaponhit Robson - Photo thread
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:19:17 PM »
Since the new forum has started I figured I'd throw up a few of my old photos and it'll give me a place to stick new ones.

First off a few from my trip the The Pit from last year (massive thanks to all the guys who showed up I had an amazing time!)

Couple of kit pics...

Airsoft Discussion / One if by land, Two if by sea....
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:48:59 PM »
Not sure how many lanterns need lighting if coming in via plane but I digress...

Soooooooo I'll be back in the States later this year and I was wondering if there were any major games you guys would be attending between July 26th and 11th August?

Also would anyone be up for another day down at the The Pit?

Let me know what's up guys!

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